How can we help you?

I received a notification that my BCM account will be closed. Can you please explain the reason for this closure and what steps I can take next?

Unfortunately, we won't be able to support migration of your account to Kraken due to certain requirements not being met. This could be due to your account not being fully verified, inactivity, or if you reside in a country that doesn't allow for direct migration (please note that we are only able to directly migrate clients from the Netherlands and Belgium). However, we're excited to offer you the opportunity to create a new account with Kraken, a world-renowned cryptocurrency platform. By joining Kraken, you'll gain access to a more powerful, secure, and feature-rich trading experience.

Here are just a few reasons why creating a Kraken account is a great idea:

● Industry-leading platform with advanced trading tools

● Lower fees and access to a wider range of digital assets

● Enhanced security measures to protect your assets

● Fast transaction times and an intuitive interface designed to meet your crypto needs

We're confident that you'll find the Kraken platform to be a great fit for your cryptocurrency trading needs.